Go Tetris! 0.2 alpha

The current release adds a “next piece” preview to the right of the game board. Now that my dream of actually playing this thing is realized, I was really starting to miss that look ahead when the game starts to speed up. (Didn’t hurt that at least two of you gave me feedback that it was something you wanted, also.)

While I was at it, I fixed a bug that allowed rotating the “J” shaped piece into the left wall when a piece on the right was pressed up against it. Oh, and while I was adding the piece preview I also pretty much re-wrote the attach movie code to do things in a way that made a bit more sense.

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Calling all Testers… High Scores?

I’m planning on changing the game speed sometime in the near future, so this may be shortly irrelevant feedback, but I’d love to hear about people’s high scores and play experiences. Questions I have are, is the game too fast? Too slow? Too easy? Too hard? What level do you get to when you play? What score?

As for me, I’ve been averaging burnout around level 4, but I just had a game where I got to level 6. I usually get between 800 and 2000 points, but this last game was 5769. I captured 116 stones, 30 white and 86 black. Is it totally silly that I’m all excited about a high score in my own game?

Anyway, add a comment with your high scores and playtest feedback!


Chesstris Development

Development of Chesstris has been delayed. I’m working on Go Tetris for the time being. Chesstris will have to come later, probably after I feel like Go Tetris is feature complete.