I’m planning on changing the game speed sometime in the near future, so this may be shortly irrelevant feedback, but I’d love to hear about people’s high scores and play experiences. Questions I have are, is the game too fast? Too slow? Too easy? Too hard? What level do you get to when you play? What score?
As for me, I’ve been averaging burnout around level 4, but I just had a game where I got to level 6. I usually get between 800 and 2000 points, but this last game was 5769. I captured 116 stones, 30 white and 86 black. Is it totally silly that I’m all excited about a high score in my own game?
Anyway, add a comment with your high scores and playtest feedback!
Just got a score of 7533 on level 6. 114 captures, 86 white, 28 black. The game now keeps track of your largest captured group of stones in both black and white. Mine were 14 and 57 respectively. (This info is displayed on the Game Over page.)
New high score with the speed slow-down. 19937 on level 10. 200 captures, 62 white and 138 black. My largest captures were 74 black and 18 white.
I’m thinking of setting up a database to capture these automatically, both because it would be cool, I think, and because it’d be useful information for me to have. I’d probably model how it works after http://www.3dtris.de/
71743 points.
257 captures.
largest capture 81.
you need to slow this down a bit.
score 126656
level 15
captures 298
largest 141
high score: 183851
334 captures
Score 296876
Captures 421
white 184
black 237
largest 142
level 19
I must say.. level 19 is a bit too fast. slow it down. shit’s not even reasonable.
damn! John is, (as far as I know), my only addict so far. I think he just likes beating me at my own game.
New high score for me today.. 102421, with 293 captures, 165 white and 128 black, largest capture was 114 whites… level 15.
Update: I just beat my own score again, with 246724, 387 captures, largest groups were 87 black and 119 white. Level 18. I really need to add that High score database feature…