I had the pleasure last week of presenting this talk twice, first for the local meetup.com iPhone developer group, and a second time the following Saturday at MinneBar. Here are the slides from the event, embedded for your pleasure:
For the talk, John Hibshire and I also created a spreadsheet listing all the iPhone game frameworks, libraries and SDKs we could find. I’m going to try and keep this data up-to-date, and add any additional projects as I find out about them.
I think my session was recorded, possibly by folks at the Uptake, but I have no idea if that recording is online (as a few others from the event are). If it was, I’ll definitely update this post to link to it, since these slides are pretty useless without my running commentary. There are some nice links in a “Resources” section in the last few slides, so you can enjoy those if nothing else.
UPDATE: I just posted a link to the sample code for this talk on github in a new blog post. The code shows various examples of how to do really basic things in Cocos2D, including using the schedule method to create a game loop, using the CCMenu
class, drawing various particle types, and finally, how to write tetris in Objective-C using a Cocos2D texture atlas for the different piece types.